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What is ‘Mobilegeddon’?
It is Google’s recent update to its search algorithms. Launched on 21st April, 2015, the new update – dubbed as Mobilegeddon – enables Google to actively seek out sites that do not display well across devices and resolutions, and penalize them.
What was the need for this update?
Studies after studies are suggesting that people are increasingly interacting with the web through their smart phones and tablets. To thrive in mobile search, Google has to show sites that look good across mobile devices and offer great user experience. So it did not have any other option but to force website owners and designers to get their sites optimized for mobile or to go home.
The Mobilegeddon survival guide from Olive
First things first, we’d suggest you to check out the mobile friendliness of your site; Google offers a free mobile friendly test for websites
Getting a thumbs-up from this test is good, but not enough; you need to test other factors as well so the rankings of your website do not plummet in the mobile search pages. To weather the impact of Mobilegeddon update, the site has to load beautifully on devices (a recent study suggests that internet users want mobile pages to load faster than desktop pages).
Common mistakes that a website owner or designer should avoid include blocked CSS/JavaScript/image files, mobile only 404 errors, faulty redirects and cross-links that do not make sense at all.
What you can do at this very minute?
If you have been putting off Mobilegeddon for long, take charge now and act. Get someone with experience in responsive web design or mobile readiness by your side.
Remember Google is not after your site; it just wants to ensure better web experience for its users. And it’ll ensure it at any cost. A mobile friendly site isn’t only going to help you please Google, but will also help you deliver better site experience to those who land on your site from their mobile phones or tablets. This would also increase the likelihood that they help you make more money by buying your products and/or services, or by reading your content.
Now, connect with a leading responsive web design agency and see what it has to say about its site and its chances of surviving Google Mobilegeddon update. You can contact us as well; we’d be happy to help.