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It looks like a blind race: brands are entering social media as if they’ll lose billions if they make a delay of a day. There is nothing wrong in acting fast, but when you do it without a clear strategy or plan, you’re most likely to face disappointment. Our social media experts spoke out on the issue, which got transcribed in the 3 tips that we’ve been sharing with you in this blog post.
Many brands have failed on Facebook and Twitter because they adopted the ‘i-m-this’ and ‘I-have-done-this’ strategy; they didn’t care for their customers; likewise, their customers didn’t care for them.
To become likable on social media, you’ve to talk more about your customers and how you solve their problems through a combination of interesting text, video, and image content.
Interact with your customers and they will love you more, and buy more from you.
Have a story to tell?
People love stories. Social media channels – be it Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram – allow amazing freedom to tell stories and thus build a connection with the target audience. Tell the stories of your brand through brief, verbal snippets on Twitter, longer content on Facebook, and captivating images on Instagram. But, first and foremost, decide on the stories that you want to share with your audience, and then decide how you’d use the channels to say those stories.
Hire a social media manager
There are hundreds of social media channels beyond Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, and YouTube. However, not all channels can be good for all brands, thus you’ve to decide which social media platforms would be used to promote your business.
As a rule of thumb, you should not spread beyond 5 social medial channels. Plus, you should hire professional services of a social media agency in Dubai, which can help you navigate the Social Media Jungle.